This is for everything book related. I'm probably going to post book review mostly.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Even though I already own the books I still want this!
Even though I already own the books I still want this!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
The Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan Book Review!
I'm now reviewing The Serpent's Shadow, which is the third and last book in The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan. I'm so excited to review this book! This is my favorite book in The Kane Chronicles.
Warning: Spoilers!
Warning: Spoilers!
Apophis is rising faster and causing a lot of trouble. Carter, Sadie, and the rest of the kids at Brooklyn House haft to work together to stop the serpent's shadow.
I love Carter a lot in this book! He seems to acted more confidence, and everyone looks to him as the leader, kind of like Percy in The Last Olympian. CARTER AND ZIA ARE FINALLY A COUPLE!!!! You guys don't know how happy this makes me!
I love Sadie and the whole Walt/Anubis thing! Now you know why I like this love triangle: first, I love Walt and Anubis; second,Walt and Anubis don't fist over Sadie, or anything like that. They join bodies so Walt is able to live, and Anubis can have a mortal form and Sadie doesn't get to choose. Everybody wins!
And Bes is back! Yay!
And the book made references to the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and Dr Who, and even though I don't watch Dr Who, I thought the references were funny.
The book kind of ended like how The Last Olympians ended with the Second Great Prophesy, which makes me think will Rick Riordan write a spin-off series like he did with PJO? I sure hope so.
The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan Book Review!
I'm now going to review The Throne of Fire, the second book in The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan. SPOILERS!
Apophis is rising and Ra seems to be the only one who can stop him. Carter and Sadie Kane go to find Ra.
Carter was awesome. I like that he tries to find Zia, the real Zia. I ship Carter and Zia so hard. What the heck would their couple name be? Carter doesn't really think of himself as a leader, he doesn't seem to know what he's capable of, but he really pulled through and it was awesome.
Sadie has gotten really close to Walt and slowly starts to fall for him, which makes Sadie really confused about her feelings for Anubis, and Walt and Anubis seem to be pretty good friends. This is one of the only love triangles I like.
I like Bes. I didn't expect to like him as much as I did. I was sad about what happened to him at the end. And I like Bast, and I wish we saw a little more of her in the book.
I of course love Walt, Anubis, Zia, and Amos. I love that we saw Carter and Sadie's parents, I liked them.
Ra was kind of weird. When Carter and Sadie found him he acted like a senile old man and not very threatening.
This book was awesome; just as good as the first one.
The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan Book Review!
Here's my review for The Red Pyramid, which is the first book in The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan. I love this series; It's just as good as Percy Jackson.
The book is about about Carter Kane and his sister Sadie who are trying to save the world from Set the Egyptian god of evil.
I love Carter so much. He's kind of like Percy Jackson, but he isn't. He doesn't seem to have a lot of confidence in himself. He also doesn't really get along with his sister Sadie. They fight quite a bit in this book (well, in every book actually). But I still really really love Carter, I totally ship Carter and Zia!
Sadie is also really awesome. She's very independent, and always speaks her mind (they often mention that she talks a lot over the series). Sadie is kind of different from a lot of fictional girls that I've read about so far.
I like Amos even though we don't see a whole lot of him in this book. And I love Brooklyn House, and Khufu the baboon, and Philip of Macedonia the crocodile.
I also really love that Rick Riordan made Anubis, the Egyptian god of death, look like a hot teenage boy.
I also love Bast. I thought she was a fun character. I really like the part when she got scared, but her face didn't show it, but since she's the cat goddess her hair stood up on end with static but she don't know it.
I love this book so much! I'm sorry this review it's short and it's, like, all about the characters but when I read a book the first thing that I notice the most is the characters, and I just want to fangirl and gush about them.
That's it for now.
The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan Book Review!
PERCY JACKSON IS BACK!!! In this book, Percy, like Jason, has no memory of his past, the only thing he does remember if Annabeth. He finds himself at Camp Jupiter, a camp for Roman demigods. There he befriends Frank, a son of Mars, and Hazel, a daughter of Pluto, and they go on a quest to free the god of death who's name I don't remember how to spell.
Percy kind of matured since the PJO series, but he's still the same funny Percy we know and love. It's so sweet how he remembers Annabeth, who else loved that? And he had a dream with Grover in it! I lover Grover! Also, I love his relationship with Frank and Hazel.
I love Frank. For a son of Mars the god of war, Frank really isn't a violent person unlike most children of the war god. He's doesn't have a lot of confidence in himself and he's kind of shy, but I love him anyway. And I love him and Hazel as a couple. I'm a huge Frazel shipper.
Hazel is also really cool. She is also Nico di Angelo's half sister, I love that plot twist! I really love Hazel's and Nico's relationship!
I liked seeing Nico again but I didn't like that that he pretended not to know Percy.
I like Reyna, I think she's pretty cool. I hate Octavian! He's so creepy! I still don't like Hera, or Juno, whatever.
This book was really funny. I thought it was funny that Percy didn't like Hazel's horse's potty mouth. I also like Ella, and that we saw Tyson and Mrs O'Leary.
And that's all I have to say about The Son of Neptune.
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan Book Review!
Finally I'm reviewing The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. This is the first book in The Heroes of Olympus series, which is a sequel or spin-off series of the Percy Jackson and The Olympians series. Spoiler Alert!!!
This book is about three new demigods, Piper, the daughter of Aphrodite, Leo, the son of Hephaestus, and Jason, the son of Jupiter (as in the Roman version of Zeus). Jason wakes up on a bus and he can't remember anything. Piper says that she's his girlfriend and Leo say the he's his best friend. The three of them have to go on a quest to save Hera, who was kidnapped by giants. And Percy Jackson is missing.
I love Jason, Piper, and Leo! Jason is awesome. I love his relationship with Piper and Leo. It's hard not to like Jason in this book, at least it was like that to me. I thought it was cool that when they were at Camp Half-Blood Jason kept referencing Roman stuff. And does anyone else ship Jasper?
Piper Is also kind of going through a hard time in this book. She's really upset that her relationship with Jason was a trick of the Mist caused by Hera, who can blame her for that. She also has this cool power where she can charmspeak people into doing what she tells them to.
Leo Valdez is amazing!!! He is so funny, and awesome, and he's really good with tools. He also becomes friends with mechanical dragon named Festus. Leo definitely has a sad history involving his mom dying, but he doesn't let it get him down, that's how awesome he is.
I liked that we see Annabeth, Thalia, and Chiron again. And Thalia being Jason sister was cool.
And it's probably a good thing I joined this fandom late because the ending had a big cliff hanger.
I seriously hate Hera! She's so annoying.
All in all, I loved this book. This series is just as good as the last one.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Allegiant by Veronica Roth Book Review/Rant!
I'm now gonna review and rant about Allegiant by Veronica Roth, which is the last book in the Divergent Trilogy. There are gonna be a heck load of spoilers and me ranting about the ending and how I hated it, so if you haven't read the book, then you've been warned.
So in this book Tris, Tobias, and their friends go outside the fence to see basically what is out there.
I'm going to talk about my favorite parts of the book first before I start ranting about why it still makes me cry even though I read it in November.
I love Tris and Tobias in this book. The Fourtris scenes were, without a doubt, the best parts of the book. And since they fought a lot in the last book, seeing them act more couple-y together is really sweet, and very...steamy at times. After all the crap Tris and Tobias went through in the last two books they've deserved a break.
Uriah and Christina were awesome, but then again there's never a time when Uriah isn't awesome. I was kind of shipping Christina and Uriah in this book because they've definitely became closer in this book, but apparently this isn't the case. I also loved Zeke way more then I used to.
I liked Tobias's POV, and didn't really have any trouble telling him and Tris apart. The only times that I did have trouble was when I stoped reading in the middle of a chapter and I didn't know who's POV I was in.
And high five to Tris's mom for being so awesome!
Caleb was annoying! I seriously didn't want him around! I admit it, A part of me didn't want him to die because he the member of Tris's family who was alive, but I still don't like him.
I hate Marcus so much. I was confused because Veronica Roth said that she really needed him for this book and implied that he was gonna be important, but he was only in three scenes and barley said more than, i don't know, twenty sentences! I feel like he needed to go. The same with Peter. Peter, like, didn't do anything!
And then Torl died. To be honest since she was not that big a character I kind of saw her death coming, I didn't cry or anything but I still didn't like it.
And now for the moment we've been dreading (or I've been dreading, at least): Tris's death. I just want to say that that was absolutely undoubtedly one hundred percent NOT OKAY!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, her sacrificing herself for her brother was nice, and so was her seeing her mom. But that doesn't mean I have to like and/or except the fact that Tris is dead! As a huge Fourtris shipper I was not okay with this! Even if I didn't ship them (though why would I?) I still wouldn't be okay with this. You don't kill off your main character! And Tris and Tobias deserved to be together, after all the stuff they went through they deserved a break!
And why is there suddenly a love triangle?! Who else hated Nita? Mathew was okay for me, to me he didn't seem like a real threat to Fourtris.
And the epilogue broke my hearts even more. I know that some people like the epilogue, but I didn't like it at all. Instead of making me feel better it rubbed salt in my wounds.
Even though this book broke my heart and I hate the ending, I can't honestly say that I hated the book no matter how much I want to, which is so frustrating! Am I'm gonna go through something like this again when I read Mockingjay?
Well, that's it for now.
Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter Book Review!
Now I'm reviewing my favorite book in the Heist society series so far: Perfect Scoundrels. THIS BOOK IS SO AMAZING!!! Contains some spoilers.
In this book, Hale's grandmother dies unexpectedly and leave Hale's family's company to him, even though he's still sixteen. Then Kat gets a tip that tells her that Hale's grandmother's will might have been faked. Kat tries to found out if the will was really faked and tries to steal Hale back.
Can I start by saying that Kat and Hale are officially a couple!!! This made me very happy.
Kat feels like she's losing Hale to his old life, and she's doing everything she can to help him out.
When his's grandmother died, Hale has become very sad. Out of all the member's of his family, his grandmother was the only one he really loved and who really loved him back.
In my opinion, everyone steps it up in this book. I still love Simon, and Angus, and Hamish, and I even like Gabrielle a lot more in this book then I did before. I also love Kat's dad, and Uncle Eddie.
This whole book was fantastic! there are so many good parts. It had me laughing and crying. Ally Carter never disappoints.
Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter Book Review!
Uncommon criminals is the second book in the Heist Society series by Ally Carer. This review contains some spoilers!
Kat came back to the family business but only to steal works of art that were stolen and return them to the rightful owners. When a woman tells Kat the Cleopatra Emerald really is hers, Kat and the gang manage to steal it only to and find out that they've bean conned. In a race against the clock Kat and her friends have to steal the emerald, again before time runs out.
Kat seems to be confused over her feelings for Hale. She's kind of drunk on the rush that comes with stealing things as her Gabrielle said.
Hale Seems more protective of Kat in this book. He still hates Nick, that hasn't changed. Did anyone else thought it was awesome when Hale threw the punch at Nick? Cause I did. I still ship Kat and Hale really hard. Who doesn't?
Everyone else was awesome. I love Simon, the Bagshaw's, Gabrielle, and even Uncle Eddie.
And I'm kind of starting to ship Simon and Gabrielle as a couple.
I love what they did to Maggie at the end; that was so awesome! Best con ever! And I loved how Kat cornered Oliver Kelly in the elevator, and when they're on Hales ship, etc. The whole book is awesome! Well done, Ally Carter.
Heist Society by Ally Carter Book Review!
I'm now finally going to review Heist Society by Ally Carter, the same author who wrote the Gallagher Girls series. I am a HUGE fan of both series. Sorry it's so short.
Katarina Bishop was born in a family full of art thieves, but then she decides that she wants out of the family business and cons her way into one of the best schools in the country. But she comes back to the business when her dad is accused of stealing paintings from a very dangerous man, and Kat and her team have to get them before time runs out.
Kat is an amazing character. She's smart, she's quick on her feet, and she she's trying everything she can to help her dad.
And it goes without question that I love Hale. He's so amazing! I LOVE HIM! Who else ships Kat and Hale?
I, of course, love the rest of their crew. I love Simon, and Hamish and Angus, and I like Kat's cousin Gabrielle. I'm not to big a fan of Nick, though.
I also love Kat's dad and her uncle Eddie.
This is an awesome book. It's just as good as the Gallagher Girls series.
Insurgent by Veronica Roth Book Review!
I am FINALLY going to review Insurgent by Veronica Roth, which is the second book in the Divergent Trilogy. This is one of my favorite books in the trilogy. It's just as good as the first book. SPOILER ALERT!!
The book takes place right after the last book, In which Tris and Tobias/Four are trying to find allies to fight with against the Erudite.
Tris in this book is still torn over the deaths of her parents and Will. She's contently putting herself in danger, which usually doesn't involve a gun.
Tobias is awesome! He doesn't like the fact that Tris keeps running into danger. Tris and Tobias fight a lot in this book, which I wasn't so happy about. I didn't want them to fight. It was painful to read. But they both made very good points in their arguments.
And we can't forget Uriah, Marlene, and Lynn. Uriah was amazing as always. I'm really happy we get to see more of him in this book. I love him! I like that we see more of Marlene and Lynn. I love the part when Uriah and Marlene kiss! I started shipping them but then Veronica Roth threw that ship out the window (so not okay!). When I first read Divergent I did not like Lynn; she did not make a good first impression on me. But by this book I started to like her a little over the course of this book. I like that she started treating Tris like she was Dauntless, she kind of treats her as an equal, which I liked.
I also really love Zeke and Shauna! I ship them hard. We also got to see a little bit more of Tori in this book and we see her try and avenge her brother.
And Caleb easily became one of my least favorite characters of the series.
This book was amazing, but I don't like that a few of my favorite characters died. Really, Veronica Roth?Really?!
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