Today is the start of the Gallagher Girls Read-A-Thon!!! One of the things you can do for the read-a-thon is book reviews so that's what I doing to day; and since it's week 1 I'm doing a review for the first book in the series: I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You.
WARNING: There are going to be spoilers.
I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You is the first book in the Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter. It's about a girl named Cammie who goes to a school for spies in training; when doing a assignment for covert operations class she meets a normal boy named Josh.
I love Cammie. I think one of the reasons I like Cammie is because she's so much like me and I like it when I can relate to characters, you know what I mean?
I also really like Bex, I think she is so funny and she kick serious butt; they all do. Bex is easily one of my favorite characters of the series.
Next there's Liz, another one of my favorite characters. Liz is just so cute and also a little naive and clumsy, but she's still a very lovable character.
And then there's Macey. I really love Macey. In the beginning of the book Macey seems to come of as a jerk but as the story progresses she's really not; plus I read the books out of order so I knew ahead of time that Macey was awesome before reading this book.
I also like Josh. He's so sweet and kind of cool.
I really like the parts when Macey is telling Cammie, Bex and Liz what Josh's notes mean, and the part were Mr. Solomon was walking toward the girls and Cammie just puts Josh's note in her mouth until he leaves, I also love the parts when we meet Macey and Mr. Solomon for the first time, I also really like the part when Macey finds out it's a spy school, and the part when they made the Mission Impossible reference. A lot of good stuff in this book.
So that's pretty much it. I will post another review the next book in the series next week. I will also post some fan art soon.
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